Curriculum Proposal Forms

Please see the "Template for all New Programs" form for instructions on how to complete a new major, minor or other curricular program. Forms to add, delete, or modify undergraduate courses and academic programs in the College of Arts & Sciences can be downloaded in PDF format from this page. 

To find important dates and deadlines to use in building out proposals and syllabi, please see the Processes and Timeline for Curriculum.

  • Spring course proposals should be received no later than November 1.
  • Summer and Fall course proposals should be received no later than April 1.

For detailed instructions on completing a new course proposal, click here.

Completed forms, accompanied by a course syllabus, should be submitted to your department administrator to upload into the Undergraduate Forms of the ArtSci Portal.

If you have any questions, please reach out to:

Bernard Cummings
College of Arts & Sciences


Proposal Forms
New Course Proposal Form
Applied Numeracy Proposal Form
Cultural Diversity Proposal Form
Social Contrasts Proposal Form
Writing Intensive Proposal Form
Hybrid Course Proposal Form

Curriculum Committee Guidelines
Guidelines for Majors in Arts & Sciences
Guidelines for Topics Courses in Arts & Sciences
Recommendations for Undergraduate T.A.'s
Template for All New Major Programs