Academic Administration

Arts & Sciences employs more than 1,000 faculty and staff, making it the university's largest group on the Danforth Campus. The Dean’s Office supports faculty and staff with long-range planning as well as day-to-day issues that arise in research, teaching, finance, administration, and recruitment.

Personnel Policies and Procedures

The Dean’s Office provides guidance on personnel policies, oversees personnel procedures, and supports faculty and staff with Human Resources issues.

Tenure & Promotion

The recruitment and retention of an excellent faculty is a top priority for Arts & Sciences at Washington University. Fair consideration in making tenure and promotion decisions is achieved through clear, carefully followed procedures. See the tenure and promotion page for a full list of current documentation.

Committees & Councils

Arts & Sciences faculty serve on both school and University-wide committees to review issues and set policies. See a full list on our committees page.

Faculty Development

We have gathered additional resources geared to helping you succeed in your role and at crucial phases in your career, whether you are new to campus, developing your pedagogical skills as an instructor, hoping to advance your research or stepping up as chair or director of your academic unit. For further information, please see our pages for faculty development, our guide for chairs and directors, and pages for teaching-track faculty. Please note that our work in this area is ongoing and we will be adding more information in future.

Have a question?

We have experts in budget & finance, communications, computing, facilities and human resources. Consult the directory to find the right person for your question.

View the Staff Directory

Additional Information & Links

Faculty Meetings
The Dean of Arts & Sciences holds faculty meetings during the semester. The agenda, materials, and minutes for each meeting are posted here. For further information, please contact the Dean's Office at 314-935-6820.

Faculty Activity Reporting
Information about the online faculty activity reporting system, deadlines and an FAQ.

Teaching Center Workshops & Events
Teaching is both an art and a science. Classrooms, curriculum, and methodologies and technologies make up the critical "where, what, and how" of teaching. The Teaching Center provides resources and support for all instructional faculty. 

Research Opportunities and Support
Please see our research page to find the resources available to support faculty, students and staff. 

Arts & Sciences Computing
We provide flexible technology facilities and services to A&S faculty, staff, and students. ArtSci servers, e-mail accounts, computer labs and classrooms, network connections, and training/support make up the main services offered by A&S Computing. A&S Computing is located in Seigle Hall, L085 and in the lower level of Eads Hall in Eads 007.

University Libraries
The John M. Olin Library is the central library of the Washington University Library System housing general-interest materials and collections in the humanities, social sciences, and engineering. 

See Workday for information on HR and financial operations.