Budget & Finance

Arts & Sciences in Workday

On July 1, 2021, Workday will go live for both Finance (FIN) and Human Capital Management (HCM).  Below are Arts & Sciences FIN specific documents to aid in the transition to Workday.  Please contact Angela Jeremias and Larry Kuykendall if you have questions on policies and procedures. 

Policies and Procedures

  1. Dean's Office Document Approval Guidelines
  2. Instructions - How to Add Approvers


  1. A&S Cost Center Hierarchies
  2. A&S Designated Reserves (former 68funds)
  3. Function Worktag Definitions 
  4. Non-Capital Projects Checklist - How to Create/Fund
  5. Designated Reserve Transfer Instructions
  6. Workday Revenue & Expense Ledger Appendix


  1. A&S Workday Report Quick Reference Guide 

Budgetary Assistant Guide

The online Budgetary Assistant Guide provides Arts & Sciences budgetary assistants with a summary of their responsibilities, as well as information on Washington University and Arts & Sciences financial-related policies and procedures. You can access the guide on Office 365 (OneNote Online) using your WUSTL Key for current forms and financial policies.

Go to Guide


Larry Kuykendall

Associate Dean, Finance and Administration
205 South Brookings 


Contact Larry to discuss:
Non-payroll document approval
Budgetary policy issues
Budget questions and requests
Fiscal year closing policies & procedures
Special funding requests
Requests for cost-sharing
Overhead waivers
Interdepartmental & interschool issues
Endowment & gift accounting questions
Long-range planning questions
Research accounts

Angela Jeremias

Director, Budgeting and Accounting
205 South Brookings

Contact Angela to discuss:
Budget questions and requests
Budgetary policy issues
Budget and financial reporting needs
Cognos questions and access
New account requests
Training requests
Research accounts

University Resources

For more information at the university level, visit:

Financial Services

Business Intelligence Data Warehouse