Eligibility & Proposal Guidelines
Principal investigators must have positions in Arts & Sciences as tenure-track or research faculty. Collaborators may have positions at other schools at Washington University or at other universities, but all funds must be spent through Washington University accounts. These funds are intended for faculty who do not have funds available in their unrestricted research accounts or start-up funds, or for projects that are clearly distinct from the intended use of start-up funds (e.g., novel collaborations with other folks, very different lines of research). Please contact Deanna Barch, Vice Dean of Research in Arts & Sciences if you have questions.
Proposal Guidelines
Proposals should describe research, scholarship, and/or creative practice (RSCP) that is not currently supported by internal or external grant funds.
The proposal category should be specified according to the funding range requested.
SPEEDing towards research, scholarship, and creative practice academic distinction and external funding.
Category A: up to $15,000 to support pilot data collection, infrastructure needs, or other needed resources
Category B: $15,000-$50,000 to support pilot data collection, infrastructure needs, or other needed resources
SPEEDing towards the next book. This category involves four components: a) a fall or spring course release to develop a strong second+ book proposal; b) participation in a 2nd+ book proposal workshop through the Humanities Center; c) submission of at least one external funding proposal to support book completion; and d) a writing stipend of $7500 for the summer after external proposal submission. This category is focused on individuals for whom books are central to promotion.
Proposals are limited to three pages in length (single-spaced, with font no smaller than 12 pt Times or Times New Roman) and margins no smaller than 0.5 inches. The proposals should include these five sections. Please write for an interdisciplinary audience that will not have specific disciplinary knowledge in your field of research.
Introduction/background that describes how the new work relates to the current work of the proposers and provides broader perspectives on its significance and importance as a new direction in the field.
Description of proposed new work, with a particular focus on how this is a novel direction for the proposer that will elevate their research, scholarship and/or creative practice and open new avenues for innovation.
Anticipated outcomes (e.g., publications, performances, new external grant/fellowship proposals) with the inclusion of a timeline and specific suggestions for how to assess successful achievement of the outcomes.
List of representative research, scholarship, and/or creative practice products produced by PI(s) from within the past 10 years (publications, books, performances, etc., as appropriate)
To budget for work with sufficient detail to allow the review committee to understand the costs of each component of the proposed work. Faculty salary is an unallowable expense category. A budget is not needed for SPEEDing towards the next book proposals. Applicants who have $50,000 or more in their research account should contact the Vice Dean of Research Deanna Barch (dbarch@wustl.edu) before applying.
Deadlines & Submission
Proposals should be submitted by March 1 or September 1 via the submission webform. If the listed due date falls on a weekend, the deadline will be extended to the following business day.
Submit a Proposal