Email Signatures

Including an automatic signature on all of your emails is polite, it's helpful, and it's easy to set and forget.

An email signature reliably lets people know how they can reach you while providing helpful context (your department, title, etc.) to those you’re contacting for the first time. As with every other component of communication, a standard email signature also helps us establish a consistent user experience and visual identity across Arts & Sciences. 

How to create your signature

1. Find the instructions for the email client you use

Typically, you’ll find the signature tool under Settings or Preferences. Find step-by-step instructions at the links below.

2. Use the templates below to compose your signature(s)

You can set different signatures for a new email versus a reply or forward. We recommend paring down your signature for replies and forwards. 

New messages

Includes title, department and address

Full Name
Office/Department/Program of …
Washington University Arts & Sciences
Campus Box 0000,  One Brookings Drive OR
0000 Street Name Ave., Suite 0000
St. Louis, MO 63130
314-000-0000 office

Replies and forwards

Only name, email and phone number(s)

Full Name
314-000-0000 office

3. Swap in your contact information

You can personalize your signature with links or additional information as well; just stick to the general format above.

Consider including your personal gender pronouns to help create a more inclusive environment.

Full Name
314-000-0000 office
314-000-0000 mobile
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Avoid logos and other images, which increase an email’s file size and turn into confusing attachments when the email is part of a thread.

4. Format your text and save

  • Font: Calibri
  • Size: 9 point
    (For the body of your email, use 11 point or larger.)
  • Color: Black / Automatic

Pro tip: Leave logos out of your signature

Since images don’t scale properly on mobile devices and in message replies, it’s best to leave logos out of your email signature. The Arts & Sciences and WashU logos, for example, would appear smaller than their acceptable minimum size in a signature.