Established in 2008 by Pamela W. Hadas, the David Hadas Teaching Award honors and publicly recognizes an outstanding tenured faculty member in Arts & Sciences who demonstrates commitment and excellence in teaching first-year undergraduate students.
David Hadas spent nearly 40 years at Washington University, and was a renowned professor of both English and Religious Studies in Arts & Sciences until his death in 2004. Known for his warm personality and brilliant mind, he was passionate about teaching, learning, and conversing on all topics. His commitment to teaching was evident: his courses were legendary and his students say he changed their lives. He never gave up teaching, even while battling cancer.
Eligibility and Award Criteria
Tenured faculty are eligible to receive this award. Nominated faculty should have a significant track record over the years of effectively teaching first-year undergraduates. Note: Faculty members who are not teaching a first-year undergraduate course this semester are still eligible for this award.
Nominations may be submitted by any faculty member of Arts & Sciences. Nomination letters should describe, in 500 words or less, the person’s contribution to undergraduate teaching, citing specific courses/examples. Submit nominations to the Dean’s office via the nomination form.
Award Selection
The award selection will be made by the Dean of Arts & Sciences in consultation with the donor, Pamela W. Hadas. The award will be given at the Arts & Sciences faculty reception at the beginning of the fall semester.