HR and Payroll Information Form

Use this form to submit updates or tasks for current employees, new employee information, or staff job requisition requests.


About You
About this Request
Current Employee Data Change
Hire a new Employee

Important reminders when hiring

  • The I-9 must be completed within three days of your hire date

  • Please provide the offer letter in the file upload area at the bottom of this form.

  • Please make the hire date at least two weeks from when the hire request is made. We will do our best to process sooner, but for new hires and due to extra steps (create positions/sup orgs, if needed) and multiple approval processes, it may take up to two weeks to process the hire in Workday.


For example, for a Postdoc Appointmnet
Employee Information
About the Position
Employees who are working out-of-state must complete a remote work agreement BEFORE they can start working.
Please indicate what percentage this hybrid employee will work on campus.
Hire a student

Important reminders when hiring

  • The I-9 must be completed within three days of your hire date

  • Send your HR Partner the name of the student prior to hire to check the student’s status in Workday.

  • Please make the hire date at least two weeks from when the hire request is made. We will do our best to process sooner, but for new hires and due to extra steps (create positions/sup orgs, if needed) and multiple approval processes, it may take up to two weeks to process the hire in Workday.


Fall & Spring Semesters:

During a semester in which an Arts & Sciences graduate student receives, as a student, any form of full-time Fellowship or Assistantship,whether from Washington University, from funds administered by Washington University, or from external funds paid directly to the student in place of Washington University support, the student may obtain part-time employment for up to a maximum of 19 hours per week. These total hour parameters for part-time employment opportunities apply as well to on-campus positions for students who do not receive any form of Fellowship or Assistantship.
F-1 visa students are able to work up to 19 hours of work per week in on-campus positions. If they obtain CPT work authorization, those work hours would be considered separate. For example, a student could obtain full-time CPT for an off-campus employer
and still be able to work 19 hours of work per week in their on-campus position during the academic semester. International Students should contact their OISS Advisor before making any decisions or accepting any positions of work, paid or unpaid, on- or off-campus.
The number of additional hours refers to the time engaged in discretionary employment. It does not include time spent as a Research Assistant (RA) during the fall or spring semesters or in mentored experiences. A short list of some types of work to which these limitations do apply include: instructor in University College; part-time lecturer; employment by university libraries, museums, computer centers or the Office of University Advancement; tutoring, paid research assistance to a faculty member outside of a full-semester RA award, paid hourly work assisting at department events.

*The maximum number of hours my be further restricted (but may not be expanded) by external granting agencies, by department policies, or by individual thesis/ research/ dissertation advisors and Research Advisory Committees. Students should notify the Office of Grad Studies prior to accepting part-time employment by filling oout the brieft PT-employment survey.*




Student Employee Information
About the Position
Students who are working out-of-state must complete a remote work agreement BEFORE they can start working.
Please indicate what percentage this hybrid employee will work on campus.
Leave and SWB Request
Position Data Form
General Questions

Please contact HR Compensation to request a new profile if needed.

NOTE that new positions in the CFU require prior approval. Complete and return the Personnel Review Justification Form following the instructions on the form, which is available in the Compensation section of the HR Forms page at and in the Managers section of the HR Website at

Position Information

Please use the upload section at t he bottom of this form to attach an updated version of the job description.

Job Posting Information
Please note: use if you are advertising on the website, but are planning to hire someone within your department; all other cases will need to be posted externally as well.
One-Time Payment
Termination or Completion Request
This helps us know how many files are connected to this request.
Summer Salary
For example, for a Postdoc Appointmnet
13 + 5 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.