Reimbursement and Expense Form

This form is for use by Departments, Centers, and Programs supported by Finance Clusters in Arts & Sciences. Please fill out all fields and upload your documents on the second page of this form.

Personal Information
Event Reimbursement
Please provide names and affiliations(e.g. faculty, staff, student, etc.) of attendees.
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Reimbursement for a Purchase
One Receipt
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Two Receipts
First Receipt of Two
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Second Receipt of Two
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Three Receipts
First Receipt of Three
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Second Receipt of Three
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Third Receipt of Three
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Four Receipts
First Receipt of Four
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Second Receipt of Four
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Third Receipt of Four
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Fourth Receipt of Four
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Five Receipts
First Receipt of Five
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Second Receipt of Five
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Third Receipt of Five
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Fourth Receipt of Five
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Fifth Receipt of Five
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Travel Reimbursement

Registration is now required for all university-related travel outside the U.S.

The MyTrips International Travel Registry is a secure platform on which faculty, staff and students record travel itineraries and emergency contact information. MyTrips will require travelers to create a one-time profile and then register the details of each trip. The registry allows us to better assist you in emergencies or times of crisis while abroad.

MyTrips Registration Instructions

Please submit W-9 forms directly to the accounting assistant.
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
ID Another Department
Pay a Vendor
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
PO Vendor Information
Pro Card
One Pro Card Receipt
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Two Pro Card Receipts
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Three Pro Card Receipts
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Four Pro Card Receipts
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Five Pro Card Receipts
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
All purchases require a business justification. Briefly describe how this purchase supports your work or research.
Expense Submission from A&S Dean's Office
Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from African & African American Studies


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Art History


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Center for the Humanities


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Classics


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Communications


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from CompLit


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Computing


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from EALC


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from English


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Film & Media Studies


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from German


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from HDW


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from History


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from IPH


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from JIMES


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Music


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Philosophy


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from American Culture Studies


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Anthropology


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Asian American Studies


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Global Studies


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Overseas Programs


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Performing Arts


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Religious Studies


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Weidenbaum Center


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Sociology


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Education


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Urban Studies


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Political Science


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Romance Languages and Literatures


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Incubator for Transdisciplinary Futures


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from TRIADS


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Program in Public Scholarship


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Center for the Literary Arts


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Living Earth Collaborative 2.0


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Center for Quantum Leaps


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Undergraduate Program in Global Health


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Literacies for Life and Career


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

Expense Submission from Office of Graduate Studies


Submit to upload files

Please use the box below to upload your invoice(s), receipt(s), travel report, or any other supporting documents for this purchase. During the upload, you be will asked to provide a description of the file and an email (required). Please use your wustl email address. We appreciate a description, though it isn't required.


Submit again at the bottom of the form

When your file upload is complete, click SUBMIT to send it to our team.  We'll reply to you as soon as we can.

16 + 2 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.