Audrey Plump

Audrey Plump is an assistant accountant in the College of Arts & Science and supports the College Office, College Writing, Office of Undergraduate Research, Overseas Programs, Pre-College Programs, Post-Baccalaureate Program, and Summer Session.
Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri with her parents and siblings, Audrey attended grade school through high school in the University City School District and received an undergraduate degree in Human Resources Management from Lindenwood University and a master's in Higher Education from the University of Missouri in St. Louis. Audrey joined the WashU community very early in her career holding various roles and calls WashU home.
Outside of work, family and friends are Audrey’s happy place! Audrey shares her time with her husband, three sons, and two dogs. During Audrey’s spare time she enjoys giving back by teaching sewing and crocheting lesson to children, family, and friends.