Stock Photo Guide

Thousands of WashU photos are available for use, and third-party stock photos can work in a pinch

Original photography isn’t always in the cards. Below are some sources for existing photography that can help you complete the picture.

Think WashU

Before you check third-party stock photos, search through Washington University stock photos provided by the Office of Public Affairs. You can also look at WashU's Flickr account. In addition, our designers have curated a set of photos optimized for use on WashU Sites.

If these digital libraries don’t have what you’re looking for, our office can search additional photos that aren’t available online. For assistance, email Sean Garcia.

Photos and copyright

The complexities of intellectual property rights are best avoided by using original WashU photos. Even WashU images, if published in scientific journals, may be subject to a particular journal’s licensing restrictions. Do not use any images without first securing all necessary rights, permissions and licensing agreements. Note that copyright law pertains differently to educational classroom use than it does to general distribution and publication.

Third-party photo sources

Use WashU and Arts & Sciences imagery when possible. When you’re out of on-campus options, try the external photo sources below.

Commercial stock photos

Stock photography companies offer high-quality, rights-managed photos. Choose stock photos that can accurately substitute for actual depictions of your group’s activities. Your business unit must assume the responsibility of all required fees and licensing agreements.

Government images

US government websites provide scores of downloadable medical- and science-themed images. Most images are freely available for use, with proper credit, unless otherwise noted.

Read how copyright applies to U.S. government works »

Open-source photos

Copyright owners may make their images available free of charge with varying degrees of rights for use (i.e., “some rights reserved”). The world standard for this model is Creative Commons (CC), which facilitates distribution of images with specific usage and attribution stipulations. 

If you use open source photos, take care to follow licensing conditions and give credit, following the CC best practices for attributing images.

Web search 

Millions of images are a search away, but many are protected by copyright. Research an image’s origins thoroughly before use, and do not publish an image in print or on the web if you have not obtained permission for its use.