Arts & Sciences Communications

Our Publications & Key Channels

Arts & Sciences Communications produces and contributes to several high-impact communications that represent Washington University School of Arts & Sciences.

The Ampersand

Find stories we produce – including articles, podcasts, and videos – for our weekly newsletter, the Ampersand. We also produce a quarterly Alumni edition that mails to all ArtSci alumni.

Browse the Ampersand

Podcast Archive

Our podcasts bring you research and ideas from our faculty and students. Explore a world of ideas.

Listen to our Podcast

Arts & Sciences website

Experience the school’s digital face to the world. Here, we tell stories that inspire, guide visitors to the resources they seek, and showcase our departments, programs, centers, and faculty.

Visit our Website

School-wide Social Media

Visit primary social media accounts for the Arts & Sciences to see how we engage audiences across platforms. (We hope you’ll join in, too.)

Visit our Instagram

Meet Our Team

We are a team of professional writers, editors, photographers, graphic designers, web developers, videographers, brand consultants, social media specialists, digital content strategists, and more.

Meet our Communications Team

Our Approach

We stress the importance of strategy and planning in everything we do. We begin projects by assessing overall goals before deciding how to meet them.

Some of our favorite questions:

  • What are you trying to achieve?
  • Why?
  • Who are you trying to reach?
  • What do they need to know about you?
  • What makes your group/discovery/program/service notable or distinct?

Possible outlets include websites, print materials, social media, media relations, or a combination of the above.

Our direct support targets strategic priorities and work with the greatest impact on the school’s reputation. That means we spend most of our time on projects that promote schoolwide initiatives or achievements, reach key external audiences, support fundraising or advance the school’s overall reputation.

We also provide self-service tools and resources to expand our support beyond the projects we work on directly.

Guidance for Every Project


Email Signatures
Including a signature on your emails is polite, helpful, and easy to forget.

PowerPoint Templates
Our presentation templates help you focus on your content instead of sweating the small stuff.

Social Media Graphics
Use these profile and banner templates to give your social accounts a professional edge.

Branding & Logos

Branding & Identity
Discover the updated WashU Brand on the University MarComm website.


Logo Creation
Individual logos dilute our brand, yet differentiation is important. What to do? We've got your back.

Policy for Photos & Video
WashU photography shapes not only how others see us, but how we see ourselves.

Social Media Guide
If you get social on behalf of the school, get to know the school's and the university's social media policies.

WashU Brand Assets and Media
Thousands of WashU photos are available for use.

Web Address / URL Guide & Subdomain Protocol
Your sites's URL is its address on the web. Here's help making it descriptive and succinct.


Consent Forms: Photos, Video, Audio & Testimonials
A media consent form is necessary to get explicit permission from any person who is not a student, faculty or staff member at Washington University whose name, likeness or words appears in your group’s communications, promotions or other media.


News Releases & Media Relations
Our talented group of news writers, editors and media relations staff focuses on high-impact stories that are likely to be of broad interest to the media and the public.

We capture high-impact images that bring the school’s character and achievements to life. Request a photo

Print Communications
Print communications remain a vital part of an effective strategic communications arsenal, even in this digital age.

Share Your Story Idea
We’re looking for compelling stories that define and differentiate the Arts & Sciences community.

Strategic Website Content & Web Maintenance 
We can help you leverage your website as a strategic communications tool to reach intended audiences with the right messaging. 

Video Services
Video can engage your audiences in stories ranging from scientific processes and medical procedures to patient experiences and community impact. Request a video.

We like big ideas.

Now you know our strategy, and you're ready to tell us what you want.