Forms, Policies & Resources
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A&S Academic Programs Calendar 2024-25

A&S Innovates: Inaugural Research Pitch Competition

A&S Policy Change Process

Affiliated Faculty Appointments Guidelines (pdf)
information regarding primary, joint, and affiliated appointments

Alternative Work Schedules
information regarding work hours and requests for alternative schedules

ArtSci Website Guide
learn how to create, edit, and share content in the new ArtSci web theme

Budgetary Assistant Guide
summary of BA responsibilities & financial policies

Canvas Minimum Use Course Checklist (pdf)
This checklist guides instructors to meet the expectations of the Arts & Sciences Policy on Minimum Use of Canvas in Undergraduate Courses.

Canvas Minimum Use Policy (pdf)
Arts & Sciences Policy on Minimum Use of Canvas in Undergraduate Courses

Center for Diversity and Inclusion
Enhancing WashU’s Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

Chair's Calendar (pdf)
a month-by-month guide for department chairs

Chairs and Directors Guidebook
includes important dates and policies

Computer Replacement Program
policy on routine replacement of Arts & Sciences computers

Course Numbering Guidelines (pdf)

Course Scheduling Guidelines (pdf)

Credit Unit Definitions

Curriculum Proposal Forms
includes new course proposal form, cultural diversity proposal form, and more

Departmental Review of Teaching Credentials to Maintain University Accreditation Status (PDF)

Departmental Reviews and Assessment

DGS and DUS Responsibilities, Expectations, & Resources

Diversity & Inclusion at WashU
As a community, we are united in our commitment to justice and racial equity.

Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Policy

Faculty Activity Reporting

Faculty Appointments at Other Educational Institutions
policy regarding faculty appointments outside of WashU

Faculty Information Handbook
collection of university-wide policies affecting faculty

Faculty Leaves and Course Releases
tenure-track faculty academic leave, sabbatical, and course release information

Faculty Search and AAMC Guidelines
find information regarding tenure track faculty search and aamc processes

First-Year Program Resources
find forms and resources for creating or updating a first-year program

Flexible Work Location Guidelines for Staff
guidelines intended to provide flexibility and support to make work arrangement decisions in a fair and consistent manner

Full-time teaching-track faculty search request form
request form for new full-time teaching-track faculty searches

Full-Time Teaching Track Policy (pdf)
document defining the nature of teaching appointments

Graduate Grade Appeals Policy

Graduate Incomplete Grades Policy
policy on grad student eligibility for incomplete grades

Grant Application Information for Faculty with Chair or Director Appointments
language for chairs and directors to add to budget proposal justification narratives

Guide to Processes and Timelines for Curriculum Proposals

Guidelines for Instructor and Student Absence
guidelines for absence from class due to illness

Guidelines for Utilization of Undergraduate TAs
policies that standardize TA procedures

H-1B Premium Processing Fee Exception (pdf)
form regarding expedited processing of H-1B visa applications

Habif Health and Wellness Center

HLC Proxy Access Request

Honorary Appointment Policy (pdf)
standards and procedures for honorary appointments to persons who are not employed by Washington University

Human Resources & DEI at WashU

Human Resources and Related Matters
information for chairs and directors about HR and related matters

Information Technology Policies
by using WashU IT services, you consent to WashU IT policies that may include terms of use, security, and licensing guidelines.

Institutional Biological & Chemical Safety Committee
The IBC oversees research involving recombinant DNA, infectious or potentially infectious agents, and/or hazardous chemicals

Joint Appointments Procedures for Faculty
procedures for hiring, promotion, tenure, and workload

Manual of Procedures for Faculty (pdf)
summary of current procedures for the governance of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences

Office of Institutional Equity

PI Eligibility Guidelines and Exception Form

Postdoctoral Appointments
information regarding types of appointments, titles, research and teaching, funding, and more

Postdoctoral Education Policy
appointment classifications, statement on compensation and benefits, and more

Professor of Practice Policy
appointments and terms for POPs

Raises Statement
expectations regarding the timing and amount of salary increases

Research Professor Guidelines (pdf)
regulations applicable to appointments of research professors of all ranks

Request a Photo or Video

Residency Policy
expectations for faculty to be physically present and available to students and colleagues

Salary Caps, N.I.H.
salary cap summary from the National Institutes of Health

Severe Weather Policy

Siteimprove Guide
learn how to test for broken links, misspellings, and web accessibility

Social Media Guide and Policies
review WashU's guide and policies for social media

Spouse Recruitment Statement
guidelines for extending an offer of employment to a domestic partner or spouse

Teaching-track performance evaluation guidelines and template
document outlining guidelines for evaluating performance of teaching-track faculty

Telecommuting policy

Tenure and Promotion
policies, forms, and instructions related to tenure and promotion

Undergraduate Grade Appeals Policy

Undergraduate Incomplete Grades Policy
policy on student eligibility for incomplete grades

Web Accessibility
learn how to create accessible web content, media, & documents

A&S Innovates
A collaboration to spur interdisciplinary research opportunities, new educational initiatives, and to strengthen community.

Workday Student Transition in Arts & Sciences
Office Hours for Academic Year 2024-2025

Newsletter and Email Guide
Information for people sending to email lists

Internal Teaching Grant Opportunities
Arts & Sciences supports the development of pedagogical work through several internal grant opportunities.

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